Friday, May 6, 2011

Is Digital media bad for us?

When it comes to Digital Media I guess you can say I'm a bit ambigiuous on the topic.  I too have worries, but and grateful how much content is accessible witha click of a mouse.  The social-political worries usually surround issues of control of content.  From allowance to the sources of this content to the security and privacy of information.  Although people thnk of America as the land of the free, the government also controls what information and content we recieve.  If you have ever read or watch the news (current events) you realized other countries allow much more content for viewers.  Every American at one time has preach "Freedom of Speech" but fail to realize how Digital Media/Content is associted to that right.  I can understand both sides of the fence.  The fear of giving too much information.  Perhaps like Plato sugests inviduals prefer to live in a cave, and when "freedom" from a cave leads to yet another cave. 

The next worry is social-interpersonal worries.  They include the effects of the internet on personal relationships.  My nieces and most youth are guilty of withdrawing from society and imersing themselves into the social world of internet base programs.  But I wonder how different this is from when we were teens?  I remember withdrawing from my family and having my friends, sports and of course my beeper and house phone as a outlet.  I used to worry that communication would be lost in the generations to come.  But perhaps I need to except change.  The verdict is not completely in for me, I can definetly see pros and cons.  I like that I can use programs like facebook to connect to people from my past, or use my personal website to to share my work and network non verbally.  I have numerous friends who use internet based programs for dating and have been successful in finding thier mates.  I on the other hand perfer an old fashion snail mail letter, lol.  Late night conversations on the phone, and of course human contact/interaction.

The next worry is psychological-emotional.  This can be understood by terms like:  crackberry, twitter, facebook, shall I go on?  The fear is in the obession or addiction.  I mean as I create this blog I have another tab opened for facebook.  And of course the minute I receive an update I click over.  I know people who gave up fb for lent.  It can apparently be that serious for some people! 

The next worry is psychological-cognitive.  The fear is humans will become stupid...  As if digiatl media is capable of reducing one's mental capacity.  Again when I think of my nieces and youth I can see the overloaded use of short hand, I wonder to my self if they are evn capable to spell.  Then I think about some educational programs are considering have computer per every student and allow them to respond via computer eliminating verbal communication.  Others might argue digital media and technology has also created a freeer thinker.  I can't evn count how many times I've searched online for tutorials to assist me with projects....  I am amazed that most are created by young children whom are much more tech savy then I. 

The last worry is Behavioral-pratical.  This is a new issue for our culture, and a legitamate one too!  Some people children and adults alike prefer to sit in front of a computer, or gaming console.  It is not a subsitution for our activities.  We have to find the perfect middle.  We can not allow this Digital Age to control our lives completely!

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